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Root Bound

Root Bound: (Emma & the Elementals) (Volume 1) - Tanya Karen Gough I have to admit I found Root Bound to be a little difficult to get into. I thought it was going to be a quick read however, I found that I kept wanting to put it down and go do something else. Had I not been a part of the tour I might have continued bothering with it at all. It wasn't until about halfway though chapter four that I thought okay, now it's getting good and I'm glad I stuck with it.One of the things I did like early on in the book was Emma's introduction to the brownies. Actually I'm pretty sure I just like the brownies in general. Another thing, for me, I find that even if I'm having trouble with the story, as long as I like the characters I can continue on. Though I had begun to like the story as I read on, I found the characters likable fairly early on.Though I grew up in the same city (especially a rather small city) seeing the same people, going to school with the same group of people all the way up to junior high and always felt at home and knowing my place. I can assume that Emma's feelings about moving all the time wanting a home are relatable ones. As I read the book, I felt for her. I remember reading the part after her first day at her new school and thinking I couldn't imagine having the sort of day. I wouldn't know how I would have handled it.I ended up deciding to give the book 3/5. I often change my mind after giving some more time to think about a book. I just feel like I kept putting my kindle down too often at the beginning and even once I had gotten into it, it was just something I didn't feel like I HAD to finish.I received this book as part of the Xpresso Book Tours.